
undefined reference to `pthread_mutex_trylock@GLIBC_2.4'


We have a bunch of options here:

1) patch ld to make cross-ld behave identically to ld. This can be done by setting "NATIVE=yes" in genscripts.sh of binutils
2) add /usr/lib/arm-linux-gnueabi to default directories (after quick search didn't find out how). This could still risk breaking if there are packages that use LD_LIBRARY_PATH during buildtime
3) tell people to change their buildscripts to add all libraries to the linking command line. This is tricky, as most people don't select the -lflags them self, they come from pkg-config et all. Further more, people have been actively endorsing doing the complete opposite, eg. removing all unnecessary -lflags to cut down package dependencies.
4) copy the ld wrapper from scratchbox that adds the default directories and LD_LIBRARY_PATH with -rpath-link to the real linkier... I don't think we want that, but just for sake of completeness lets mention it ;)

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